Let's Blog about technology (frontend, backend and some more)!

It's not the first time that I'm looking to build a blog.

Before, I wasn't 100% sure which direction my blog had to take, but something changed now, and I believe it is a perfect moment, and I will tell you why.

When I realised that the lockdown would happen and we should stay home, I decided to jump on my old passion for web development.

Assuming the web developer as a carrier, I did jump on it. You can check that on my GitHub.

During this intense study time, blogs were my primary research material, and I realised that this content format is still robust and growing day by day.

In this context, I decided to build a blog, and at this moment came lots of questions to find answers to, and without all these responses, I decided to start this journey.

Mainly questions:

  • Which content I will be able to write?
  • What are the benefits to have a blog?
  • Which blog platform can fit my content?
  • How does self motivate and keep writing?

Which content I will be able to write?

I was seeing an answer to this question, and my blog idea was coming through it.

Reading, listening, and watching some developers' opinions, I understood that all devs have to write a blog somehow.

For this reason, the content of this blog is about some knowledge and experience that I have, plus the features that I'm learning.

To be more specific, you will find here: Vanilla JavaScript, React, Next and other frontend tools.

For backend: Django and Node, database SQL and NoSQL.

What are the benefits to have a blog?

In some posts and articles, I found one point that I agree with and could verify many times in my life.

When you are teaching something, your approach to that content is much deeper on the subject.

If we assume that the main content of this blog is about code tutorials, this will buster my learning process and make me constantly review the topics that I touched on but didn't practice frequently.

One extra point is that English is not my first language, and writing this blog's content will push me to improve my writing also.

With blog platform can fit my content?

It was the more difficult question. I'll tell you why.

Because we are talking about web development, programing language, frameworks, etc., it was clear in my mind that the best way is to create a full-stack application. And this was what I did.

I did make a complete application from scratch, using Django and Django Rest Framework on the backend and React on the frontend.

I was ready to deploy it when I realized that it was not a good strategy. The fact is I can develop an excellent blog platform, but the tools that already exist doing a fantastic job.

This blog starts built in WordPress, this tool is developed for thousands of developers. And I believe with that I can put more focus on writing good posts.

But I keep studying and learning new things, and it's made me change my mind again. Actually, this blog is a Markdown blog using Next.js and deployed on Vercel.

How does self motivate and keep writing?

All my motivation came from learning things that enabled me to create something on my own. This blog is the way that I found to register it and show the process.


In conclusion, it is a mix of an extensive learning process, following the developers' advice that I'm a fan of.

Above all, I hope that the content is enjoyable and valuable.

Thank you for reading.